Commercial Laundries of West Florida
Commercial Laundries of West Florida
Contact: Michael Albanese
Work Phone: (305) 699-3512work
Biographical Info
We carry the following brands:
- American Changer
- Huebsch
- Maytag
- Takagi
- Whirlpool
Categories: Card laundry Equipment/Supplies, Carts/Baskets/Racks, Centrifuges, Coin Box Locks/Slides/Vaults, Coin/Currency Changers, Coin/Currency Counters/Sorters, Dryers, Equipment Maintenance, Florida, Furniture, Layout/Design/Remodeling, Plumbing/Electrical Prefab Units, Soaps/Detergents, Vending Equipment/Supplies, Washers-Front Loading, Washers-Top Loading, Water Heating/Treatment Equip
Updated 8 months ago.