Laundromats Are Essential – A Public Service Announcement from the CLA
PSA From The CLA
The Coin Laundry Association (CLA) has created this video to highlight how laundry owners have stepped up to take care of their customers and their communities.

Access to clean clothes has never been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tens of millions of families rely on laundromats every week because clean clothes are essential.
More than 120,000 laundromat attendants join grocery workers, delivery drivers, public transportation employees, and other American workers on the front lines, willing to serve their communities in the face of this crisis.
Laundromat attendants are essential.
To keep both customers and employees safer during the crisis, Laundromat owners are innovating ways to follow the best guidance from public health experts including comprehensive cleaning and disinfecting procedures and helping customers to maintain social distancing while doing laundry.
We are taking steps necessary to ensure that millions of families maintain safe access to clean clothes.
The health of laundromat customers is essential.
We have risen to the challenge of coronavirus by putting customers and their well-being first. We thank every laundromat owner and attendant for taking care of the neighborhoods who take care of us.
Above all, we thank our customers for trusting their laundry needs to us each and every week.
Because of you Laundromats Are Essential.
Special thanks to Jim Whitmore, Paul Hansen, and for contributing video footage regarding how they have adapted their businesses to the pandemic.