CLA COVID-19 Update: PlanetLaundry May Edition – April 29, 2020
It’s a rainy Wednesday in Chicago but I hope the sun is shining and that you’re healthy and well were you are today. This is our weekly update from Coin Laundry Association on the industry’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stay-at-Home Orders
One of the issues we’re following are the guidelines being shared in states that are close to re-opening after the stay-at-home orders. As I mentioned last week, it is likely that these measures will require a bit more from you even though you’ve been open for business as essential from the beginning. Requirements including: face coverings for staff and in some cases customers; health questionnaires and temperature checks of employees before shifts; new limits on occupancy; updated cleaning and disinfecting standards – all are things that you should be aware of and preparing for in the near future. The link to the CDC page on interim guidance is on CLA’s COVID resource page. We’ve included the Tennessee re-opening guide as an example of what you’ll like see in your area. Another issue that we’re watching along with a number of business groups is the relationship between workers compensation and COVID-19. The general consensus is that work comp insurance will not cover employees who contract COVID. What’s even more concerning is measures introduced in some states that would put the burden of proof on the employers to prove that the employee didn’t contract COVID on the job. There has been discussion in Congress about addressing this issue as well as potential general liabilities around being an essential business with essential workers. CLA will continue to monitor this.
Government Update
You’re surely aware that Congress passed another relief bill last week which in part tops off funding for the PPP program for small businesses after the first tranche of funding was used up quickly. I’ve spoken to a number of you who have applied and been approved – fewer of you having received the funds. Let’s hope that these dollars start to flow and give you the support you need. Again, our webinar on the topic is available for free at our resource page at
Industry Survey
Just today, we are sending all of you a pulse survey to get a sense of how you’re faring during this crisis including sales revenues, access to the SBA loans, safety strategies you’re using and more. Please take the couple of moments to respond to help us better understand you needs going forward. All you respond and provide an email address will receive a copy of the results.
Join the CLA
Don’t forget that you are essential! We need you as part of the Coin Laundry Association community. If you’re not yet a member or you have let your membership lapse, please take advantage of our new $27 per month plan to add your voice to our efforts on behalf of the industry. It takes resources to do the lobbying and education happening at CLA – your membership is essential to this work continuing.
More Resources
- CLA members, join us this Friday for CLA’s first Virtual Happy Hour (a link has been sent in an email to all CLA members) – take a few moments to share your experiences with peers and just relax with a coffee or something stronger. We hope to make this a regular opportunity for you.
- We had an amazing webinar last week on the economy and the forecast for the future from ITR Economics. There have been rave reviews – if you missed it, a recording is available for purchase now.
- Master classes are coming in May for laundromat owners. A three-part course hosted by the incredible speaker, Michael Angelo Caruso is coming next month. Click this email for details – you won’t want to miss it.
- Lastly, you’ll have your first chance to see our special May edition of PlanetLaundry magazine dedicated to the industry’s response to COVID-19. The digital edition is coming on Saturday with the mailed copies soon to follow. If you’re not yet receiving the digital edition, just go to to subscribe. Download the PL app on your smart phone from the Apple Store or from Google Play for Android.
Thanks again for all you’re doing to persevere during this crisis. We will get through this together and start to embrace some of the silver linings coming to our industry out of the pandemic – but that’s a topic for next time. Stay well and we’ll talk again soon.