CLA COVID-19 Update: Federal Guidance 03/30/2020
The Coin Laundry Association brings to you the latest developments regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as it pertains to the vended laundry industry. CLA President/CEO Brian Wallace provides another video segment highlighting some of these recent developments.
Federal Guidance
On Saturday, CISA updated their document CISA Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce, Version 2.0 Updated where they recommend that laundries remain open as an essential service to the public. While these guidelines are not binding on the state level, they do influence the decisions of state, county, and municipal authorities’ decisions.
Additional states have specifically included laundries to the list of essential businesses including Kansas, Louisiana, and Oregon. Other states including Maryland and Virginia have updated their guidelines.

Community Tips
Members of the CLA’s community have been prolifically sharing their tips and best practices with each other including:
- Increasing cleaning of surfaces
- Enforcing handwashing
- Limiting the amount of customers within the store
- Keeping people with ample space between them
- Encouraging “Wash Dry Go” where customers would fold clean and dry clothes at home
A free panel discussion will be held via GoToWebinar on Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 2p.m. CT regarding how the industry is reacting to the COVID-19 situation. Click the link below to register to attend the webinar:
Please click on the links below to access additional resources: